together with Petri Nuutinen
Since 1996 we have made many different kind of camera obscuras in Finland and abroad for museums
and galleries as part of exhibitions but also for different kind of public spaces, schools, old peoples homes etc.
These works combine camera obscura phenomenon either to constructions with different shapes, matherials and sizes or to everyday objects. The common thing for them all is that the outside world is reflected upside down through the lenses on mat glass, acryl or tracing paper. This camera obscura phenomenon is like a cubistic video which changes all the time according to the light changes and movements in the world in front of and around of them.
Camera obscura (Latin for “dark room”)
is a phenomenon where light passing into a dark space through a hole or lens
forms an upside-down image of the view outside.
Scientists, artists and philosophers have used the phenomenon for centuries in their work.