TOP, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan: "Remembrance beyond images"
Poetic Scape gallery, Tokyo, Japan: "Inner landscapes, other stories"
Helsinki Art Museum, Finland: "Bambi Forever!"
Art Center Purnu, Orivesi, Finland: "Perceptin"
Salo Art Museum, Finland: "25 years Jubileum exhibition"
The Reference gallery, Seoul, South Korea:"One Picture Manifesto"
The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland: "Viewfinder"
Kana Kawanashi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan:"One Picture Manifesto"
ISFCI - Istituto Superiore di Fotografia, Rome, Italy:
"One Picture Manifesto"
Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland:"Navigating North"
Art Museum of Hämeenlinna, Finland:
"70 Years jubileum exhibition"
Graft museum of Finland, Jyväskylä; "Through the Pinhole"
Gallery Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland: "Invited"–40 years Jubileum exhibition
Tokyo Shibya Koen-dori Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, "Inner landscapes, Tokyo" with
Tomoko Kurahara & Satoko Sai
Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland, "Traces"
Städtische Galerie, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, "Keine Schwellen Angst"
Gallery Heino, Helsinki, Finland, "Winter Collection"
Mältinranta Artcenter, Tampere, Finland, "100 years jubilee exhibition"
Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland, "One picture manifest"
Oulu Art Museum, Finland, "Shared dreams - Jaetut unet"
Rovaniemi Art museum, Finland, "Wihuri foundation collection"
Nastola, Finland, "Nastola summer exhibition"
Photo Basel/ Gallery Heino, Basel, Swizerland
Kuntsi Museum of Art, Vaasa, Finland, "People in Focus/Heino Art Collection"
Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon, Switzerland, "Schlaf"
Gallery Noorus, Tartu, Estonia, "Six Artists on Tammerkoski"
Palm Springs, CA, USA, "Art Palm Springs 2018 Fair"/ C. Grimaldis Gallery
Stadtgalerie Kiel, Kiel, Germany, "Zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit"
"XXII Mänttä Art Festival", Mänttä, Finland
International Photography Festival", Dali City, China ,"Wings of Fantasy
Hagiso gallery, Tokyo, Japan, "Inner Landscapes"
Visual Arts Gallery", Ontario, Canada, "A Field Guide to Nowhere
Art Miami/ Grimaldis gallery, Miami, USA
Beijing Photo, Beijing, China, Wings of Fantasy, New European Photography
Abecita Konstmuseum, Borås, Sweden, "Utsökt"
Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury, UK, "Collecting Light"
Fotografia Festival, Arezzo, Italy, "Pinhole"
Darmstadt fotofestival, Darmstadt, Germany, "Photographic Assertions"
Finlayson Art Area 2016, Tampere, "Milavida & Nottbeck"
C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, USA, "Within/Without"
La Galerie Nationale de la Tapisserie, Beauvais, France, "Les Photaumnales
London, UK, "Photo London"/Lens Culture
The Finnish Museum of Photography", Helsinki, Finland, "Darkroom
Museum Centre Vapriikki,Tampere, Finland, "Six Artists on Tammerkoski"
Villa Roosa, Orimattila, Finland,"Real/Unreal"
Kunsthalle, Rostock, Germany, "Nature and More"
Zebrastraat centre, Genth, Belgium,"Rediscovered Photography"
Maryland Art Place, U.S.A, "Light touch", curated by Liz Welles
Galeria Juan Pardo Heeren/ICPNA, Lima, Peru, "Bodies, Borders, Crossings"
Kunststiftung Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim, Germany,"Landscapes in a décolleté"
Galerie Photo, Lyon, France,"Rencontres"
Gallery II, Washington, USA, "A Sense of Place, contemporary Finnish Photography"
The New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, USA, "Poetics of Light"
Preus Museum, Horten, Norway, Bodies, "Borders, Crossings"
Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland, Bodies, "Borders, Crossings"
Photography into Art, Hannula & Hinkka Collection, The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
Pier Mauá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, "CRIO II Creativity World Biennale"
The Architecture Museum of Tallinn, Estonia, "Mazzano! - 20 years for Art"
TR1 Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland, "Inner Landscapes – Sisäiset maisemat"
Museum Milavida/ Näsilinna, Tampere, Finland, "Paths to Milavida – Polkuja Milavidaan"
Governors Island, New York, USA, "Borders, Crossings"
Portsakoti, Turku, Finland, "Inner Landscapes - Sisäiset maisemat",
Retretti, Punkaharju, Finland, "Layers of Time, Space and Light"
Castle of Turku, Finland, "Inner Landscapes - Sisäiset maisemat"
Amos Andersson Art museum, Helsinki, Finland, "Mazzano! - 20 years for Art"
Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland, "Mazzano! - 20 years for Art"
Rovaniemi Art museum, Rovaniemi, Finland, "Nature morte - Luonnonvoimia"
Wäinö Aaltonen Art museum, Turku, Finland, "Water - Vesi"
Hamburg, Germany, "5th Triennial of Photography"
Northern Photographic Centre, Oulu, Finland, "Pirilä & Nuutinen"
Art Centre Mältinranta, Tampere, Finland, 115th Exhibition of the Artists'Association
Gallery Menoparkas, Kaunas, Lithuania, Interior/ Exterior - Sisätila/ulkotila"
Voipaala Art centre, Valkeakoski, Finland, "Slow movement"
Fotogallerie Wien, Austria, "(De)konstruktionen"
Meilahti Art Museum, Helsinki, "Aletheia - Positions in contemporary photographie"
Galerie photo du Póle Image HN, Rouen, "France, France-Finlande 3 - 3"
Retretti, Punkaharju, Finland, "Speaking House - Puhuva talo"
The VII International Festival of Photography in Lodz, Poland, "Grand Prix"
Tampere Art museum, Tampere, Finland, "Pirkanmaa 4th triennal "
Archivo contemporaneo Stampa d'arte Fotografica, Florence, Italy, "Senza Lenti"
Galleria Paolo Aldi, Roverto, Italy, "Senza Lenti - Without Lenses"
Kuntsi Modern Art Museum, Vaasa, "Shiny - Häikäisevää"
Wäinö Aaltonen Art Museum, Turku, Finland, "Shiny - Häikäisevää"
Hämeenlinna Art Museum, Hämeenlinna, Finland, "Shiny - Häikäisevää"
Arc en Réve, Centre d'Architecture, Bordeaux, France, "Collectif - Collective"
The Finnish Labour Museum, Tampere, Finland, "Conflict - Riita"
Old city hall, Naantali, Finland, "Interior/Exterior"
Museum of modern art, Espoo, Finland ,"Saastamoinen Foundation collection"
Overbeck Gesellschaf, Lübeck, Germany, "Mapping the Unknown"
Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland, "Streams - Virtauksia"
Rantagallery, Oulu, Finland, "French Dictionary - Ranskalainen päiväkirja"
Photographic Centre Peri, Turku, Finland, "French Dictionary"
Gallery Heino, Belgium, "Art Fair Brussels"
Mikkeli Photographic Centre, Mikkeli, Finland, "The Magic of 3D Photography"
Gallery Häme, Lahti, Finland, "Pointers"
Salo Art Museum, Salo, Finland, "Winterland - Talvimaa"
Wäinö Aaltonen Museum, Turku, Finland, "Presence - Läsnäoloja"
Central Museum of Labour, Tampere, Finland, "Third Ttriennal of Pirkanmaa"
Studio Marangoni, Firenze, Italy, "Pointers"
Gallery Fluss, Wolkersdorf, Austria, "Pointers"
Galerie Nei Liicht, Luxembourg, "Pointers"
OM, Callery Caesar, Olomouc, Czech Republicg
Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, St.Petersburg, Russia, "Dialoques"
Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland, "To Look or to See"
Lodz, Poland, "5th International Festival of Photography"
PF-gallery, Poznan, Poland
VB-photographic Centre, Kuopio, Finland, "Home - Koti"
Rauma Art Museum, Rauma, Finland, "Silmänkääntäjät"
Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, Scotland, "Facing East"d
PhotoFesta, Maputo, Mosambik, "Women’s Eyes – Naisen silmät"
Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia, "Fantastic realism"
Bournemouth Photography Festival, UK, "Facing East", curator Liz Wells
Impressions Gallery, York, UK
House of Photography, Prague, Czech Republic, "Contemporary Finnish Photography"
Gallery Rantakasarmi, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, "Fragile"
Center of Photography, St.Petersburg, Russia, "Photography & Video Art from Finland", curator Anna Kharkina,
Imatra Art Museum, Finland,"Imatra Biennale of Photography"
DOM Photographic Center, Poprad, Slovakia, "Photography from Finland"
Tampere Art Museum, Finland, "II Triennial of Pirkanmaa", curator Markus Copper
Kerava Art Museum, Finland, "Summer, Old and new Art – Kesä, vanhaa ja uutta kuvataidetta"
Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, "Child in Finnish Art – Lapsi Suomen kuvataiteessa"
Salo Art Museum, Finland, "Child in Finnish Art – Lapsi Suomen kuvataiteessa"
VII Mänttä Art Festival, Finland– VII Mäntän kuvataideviikot, curator Kaisu Koivisto
Fotogallerie Wien, Austria,"Korrelations"
Fotoforum West, Innsbruck, Austria,"Korrelations"
Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland, "Time in Mazzano – Mazzanon aika"
Photographic Centre Peri, Turku, Finland, "Pinhole Images – Neulanreikävalokuvia"
Museum Centre Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland, "Bearers of Light-Valonkantajat"
The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland,"Light – Valoa"
Museum of Central Finland, Jyväskylä, Finland, "Floating Thoughts – Ajatuksen lento"
Prato, Italy, "Places of Life – Luoghi della Vita"
Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, France,"Finnish Photographic Art"
Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain, "Northern Exposures"
Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland, "Cut 102 – Leikkaus 102, Exhibition of Artists’ Association of Finland"
Photographic Centre Peri, Turku, Finland, "Suomi 80 years"
Kalmar Museum of Art, Sweden,"Nordic Art for Millions"
The Gallen-Kallela Museum, Espoo, Finland, "Drum and Camera – Rumpu ja Kamera"
Modena, Italy, "Modena per la Fotografia"
Photgraphic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland,"The New Documentary Photography – Uusi dokumenttivalokuva"
Bosnia-Herzegovina Art Museum, Sarajevo,"Photography from Nordic Countries, curator Jan-Erik Lundström"
Gallery Fotokram, Jyväskylä, Finland, "Floating Forks"
Varzaw, Poland, "Nord Foto Art"
Macedonian Museum of Modern Art of Thessaloniki, Greece, "Northern Realities"
Kuressaari, Estonia, "Saaremaa Fotofestival"
Stockholm, Sweden,"Planket 1993"
Oulu Art Museum, Oulu, Finland, "Nature and Us - Luonto ja Me"
Kuopio City Museum, Kuopio, Finland, "Time of Photography - Valokuvan aika"
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tampere, Finland, "Lightbearers - Valonkantajat"
Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland, "Fotofinlandia 1992"
Gallery Laterna Magica, Helsinki, Finland,"Elementa Naturae"
Århus, Denmark, "56 Degrees Northern Latitude"
VB Photographic Centre, Kuopio, Finland, "International Pinhole Exhibition"
Northern Photographic Centre, Oulu, Finland, "Body of Nature", curator Jan-Erik Lundström
Norbottens Museum, Luleå, Sweden
The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland, "Fotofinlandia"
Stockholm, Sweden,"Planket 1991"
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Eurotica, Melkweg Gallery"